A tale of the unexpected

Here at Vergette we put a great deal of thought into our planting plans. We consider, in detail, plant associations which will work well together. We look at the foliage, growth habit and soil requirements. We also consider flowering times and how the flowers of different plants will work with each other.

Do we want a harmonious feel to our scheme or one of contrasts?

We may use a combination of biennials and annuals to give a scheme a feeling of fullness as we wait for the perennials to mature.

Vergette Ltd Garden Design Hereford and Worcester West Midlands Plant Sourcing UK Perennial helianthusVergette Ltd Garden Design Hereford and Worcester West Midlands Plant Sourcing UK Digitalis Foxy Mixed

In short my Lovelies we take great care in our choices for our clients.

However as actors say ‘never work with children and animals’, perhaps we should say ‘never tell Mother Nature your plans’ as sometimes she most definitely has other ideas.

The following is (I hope) a one time only plant combination.

Yellow and Pink - not my favourite colour combination
An unexpected combination